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Ashley Bangs

Manifest ANYTHING...even French Bulldogs

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

The topic of Manifestation makes me so excited because it has become such a big part of my life! I am working on writing a book on how to get out of the “rat race” and start living the life of your dreams. I truly believe anyone can do this. The topic of Manifestation will definitely be a big part of this book.

I took a manifestation course last year, The Pursuit of Bliss Academy by Kristen Jenna and it literally changed how I live my life. I started to manifest my “dream life” a year ago, and so many positive changes have happened since then! I left my corporate job working in healthcare and have started my own holistic health coaching business. My husband and I bought our second house in 1.5 years as we pursue passive income possibilities of buying and renting properties. We almost doubled our income last year, and my husband and I were able to pay off almost all of our debt! After five years of wanting a French Bulldog we just put a down payment on a puppy. In the past we did not have the time off to raise a puppy, but now that I am working from home I can be with the frenchie pup!

Those are the outward things I have manifested, but I could not have changed so many things in my life if I did not make the inward changes. According to Kristen Jenna the groundwork to manifestation is having your inner reality match your outer reality. To be a higher vibrational match we have to think and feel positively at least 50% of the time. It is your higher positive feelings of love, gratitude, joy, bliss, peace, contentment that draw in the life of our dreams! I work on my positivity by starting off my mornings with a routine that includes some or all of these self-care tools: yoga, meditation, a gratitude list, journaling, reading, working on inner healing, affirmations, exercise, manifestations, and prayers. The practice of inward peace is a day to day and moment to moment practice. I still have negative moods and bad days, but I am much more positive and content than I used to be. These are a few tools I use to manifest my dream life.

5 Steps to Manifest the life of your dreams:

The Pursuit of Bliss Academy, Kristen Jenna

Step 1: Get Clear

Pick something specific that you want and envision it. Make sure this vision makes you feel good.

Step 2: Feel the Outcome

The Universe communicates through feelings and not thoughts. Visualize the outcome as if it has already happened. Embody the feelings as if it has already happened.

Step 3: Gratitude

Express gratitude to the Universe knowing that it is on its way. If you truly trust the Universe and know that everything comes in divine timing, you can feel and express gratitude for what is coming as if you already have it.

Step 4: Release the How and When

Know that what you manifested is being delivered in divine timing for the highest good in my life.

Step 5: Staying Open and Receptive

Can you think of 10 different ways your manifestation could come? The more open you are, the easier it will be to receive.

Mala Beads

The Magic Mala, Bob Olson

Mala beads are a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. There are 108 Mala beads that you a recite a mantra with each bead you touch. I focus on different aspects of my life that I want to manifest. For 10 beads I will recite what my dream friendships look like, for 10 beads I will focus on my dream finances, and for 10 beads I will focus on growing spiritually. I do this for different aspects of my life 2-3 times a week.

1. Choose a spot and sit comfortably with your spine straight and your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths to center and align yourself with your intention.

2. If you have one, use a mantra for this practice, chanting aloud or silently.

3. Hold your mala beads in your right hand, draped between your middle and index fingers. Starting at the guru bead, use your thumb to count each smaller bead, pulling it toward you as you recite your mantra. Do this 108 times, traveling around the mala, until you once again reach the guru bead.

4. If you want to continue the meditation, instead of passing over the guru bead, simply reverse direction and begin again.

Vision Board!

The Secret Documentary

You can cut out magazine pictures and draw pictures to depict the life of your dreams (ie. dream career, dream life, dream finances, dream friends, dream partner, dream body).

Or you can download Canva and make a collage of pictures you have in your phone which is what I did!

Keeping the positive vibes and energy up is what it’s all about! The more you have a positive mindset and feel content, excited, and blissful about your current life the more you can manifest your ideal future.

One thing I am manifesting in life is feeling and looking my best when I go on my vacation at the end of this month! These pictures remind me of times that I had high self-esteem and felt really good in my skin. I want to have an even better experience when I visit Palm Springs and Utah at the end of the Month!

The more I look at those pictures and feel excited about those events the more they will come true.

The Universe is not happening to you it is happening for you!

Sound hooky? Give the vision board a try!

Let me if you have any question about any of these manifestation tools or better yet start using these tools and let me know what you thought!


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