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Women Cycle Syncing their Menstrual Cycle

Ashley Bangs

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Learning to Cycle Sync my menstrual cycle has been revolutionary to me and has changed my life for the better! Author and speaker, Alisa Vitti has taught me so much about my hormones in her book, In the Flo. It is a lifestyle method including diet, exercise, work productivity, relationships that synchs with the four phases in a women’s monthly cycle called your infradian rhythm. If you are a woman and don’t know what your monthly hormonal phases are it is seriously okay! I just recently became versed in what they are and how to affectively understand them to my benefit. Knowledge is power especially when it comes to our bodies!

Menstrual Cycle

Follicular Phase

First, there is the Follicular Phase which starts after a women’s last menstruating day. This phase usually means an increase in estrogen, a decrease in metabolism, and usually lasts 5-10 days. Since I have had a decrease in metabolism and an increase in energy I try to eat smaller meals with raw fruits and veggies. According to Alisa Vitti think macrobiotic diet, vegan diet, or Intermittent Fasting for this phase. This is also a great time to crank up the exercise since estrogen is spiking. If you can control your food cravings weight loss can be a bonus during this phase.

Ovulatory Phase

The second phase in your Ovulatory stage. I am sure you have heard of this one! It is short lived usually 3-5 days and mean you have a peak in your estrogen and testosterone, your egg drops, you have a spike in energy, and you become Fertile Myrtle. I try to do more social things in this phase as this is when you have the most energy and ability to communicate with others due to estrogen and testosterone spikes.

Luteal Phase

The third phase is your Luteal phase and usually lasts anywhere from 5-10 days. The beginning part of this phase you may still feel like you’re in your Ovulatory Phase, energetic, active, social, but by the second half your hormones start to drop, your metabolism goes up. You may have PMS symptoms like cramping, cravings, and mood swings. During the second half of this phase I can tell my metabolism has gone up because I eat heavier and dense foods without gaining weight! Alisa Vitti says you burn up to 300 more calories per day during the Luteal Phase! Diet wise this is a good time to start eating more root vegetables and warming foods.

Menstrual Phase

Lastly, is the Menstrual phase where you bleed anywhere from 4-8 days. Your hormones are low, you have decreased energy, high metabolism, and you definitely have mood swings. I have taught myself to have a restful 4-5 days during this time. This is a great time to read, journal, reflect, and watch a good chick flick! I usually take an iron supplement during this time since I don’t eat meat, but this is a good time to get more iron into your system especially if you are low!

The more I practice cycle synching and aligning my energy and diet to what phase I am in the better I feel and the less PMS symptoms I have! I love to take at least 4-5 days and rest during my menstrual phase, and I love to blast through some hikes and cardio during my Follicular Phase. In Alissa Viti’s book, In the Flo she talks in great length and detail about the infradian rhythm and what diet, exercise, relationship, creative activities and more you should be doing during each individual menstrual phase.


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